Friday, August 8, 2014

Let the packing begin

I have six full days left in the US before I embark on my journey. It seems like there are a million things to do and so little time to get them done. People to see, things to buy, contracts to cancel and put on hold, appointments to cancel. The picture, above, is just one of two of my stacks of stuff that I need to pack ( I am leaving that candle sconce on the wall, however!). I have another pile that's equally as large (and none of this includes my clothes!) I have a list, mentioned above, of things I am trying to get done before I leave. Cancel pre-scheduled doctor appointment- check. Cancel pre-scheduled skin doctor appointment- check. Buy a new cell phone that is unlocked for international use- check. Doing all my shopping for things I think I can't live without for my classroom and things I think I can't live without for me- check. Get my hair trimmed (because I don't trust the hairdressers my years as a hairdresser I've seen MANY disasters that occurred in Arab countries by so-called hairdressers!)- check. Cancel gym membership (like I really used that anyway!!)- on the agenda for Monday. Scheduling my cell phone service to be put on vacation hold- on the agenda for Monday. Calling the Saudi embassy and inquiring about the process of obtaining a visitor visa for my hubby- on the agenda for Monday. Doing all of the laundry- that's this weekend. Making sure my husband has plenty of refills on all of his medications- check. Actually calling in the last refill that I will order for him- on the agenda for Monday. Making a list of EVERY SINGLE THING I need to bring with me- on the agenda for tomorrow. I have to have everything in writing so I can check it off as I add it into the suitcase. This way I assure myself that I am not forgetting anything. Starting to do the actual packing- ?????? I leave Friday morning so I guess that should happen sometime in the early week next week. One last visit with my parents before I go- Sunday. One last visit with my daughter before I go- early next week. Hoping to get one last visit with my son before I leave, although I saw him a little over a week ago. I would still love to see him again before I go. Try to sleep at night without my brain going a mile a minute- I'll have to work on that one!!!!

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