Friday, August 22, 2014

Let's Talk About Food

I like to eat. Everyone who knows me (and looks at me) knows I like to eat. However, so far, the taste of food is not working out too well. Nothing tastes the same. I couldn't find American cheese so I bought cheddar. Doesn't taste like cheddar. I bought "American" roast beef. I'm not certain what it is but it doesn't taste like roast beef. I even bought chicken flavored Ramen noodle type noodles. Doesn't taste like chicken flavored Ramen noodles. I made a baked potato and somehow even that didn't taste the same! Maybe it's because the butter tastes different. The Ritz crackers do taste the same. That's it so far. Oh, and the turkey lunchmeat....It's good. I went to a Turkish carry-out restaurant. Got a shish tawook (chicken kabob) sandwich and baba ghanoush. The sandwich had french fries in it and the baba ghanoush....well, I'm not sure what it was but it was unlike any baba ghanoush I've ever tasted. It had red stuff going through it (peppers? tomatoes?). It was oily and chunky. I guess it had an alright taste...but it didn't taste like baba ghanoush. Even the barbeque flavored Pringle-type chips I bought don't taste like barbeque chips. We're clearly gonna have to work on this food thing. I am planning on making the Egyptian-style fried chicken breast tonight, along with macaroni with my homemade sauce, and a salad. How wrong can this possibly go? I have to have a good meal pretty soon. My joy of eating is going away. Maybe that's a good thing. Maybe, along with the gallon of water I drink a day because of the dry heat here, not enjoying eating will cause me to lose some of this weight. But what fun is that?? :-)

1 comment:

  1. I think the trick lies in not trying to replicate tastes from home, but rather experiencing those new flavors for what they are. I know that's hard, and it can be sad as you miss the familiar, but I think constantly comparing these new tastes to what you're used to is a losing game. I've been there. It takes time!! xo
